
Our landscape design studio offers a complete portfolio of services, starting with comprehensive project documentation for the private and public sectors at all project stages. We are able to provide a complete garden realization, we can take care of a balcony or a terrace. We can design and implement interior greenery for your apartment or house. We can help with the selection of garden elements. We can present everything to you before implementation using virtual reality. We also provide green inventory, including professional arborist services.

Garden design

The design process usually starts at your property. We survey the site, inspect it, inventory the existing plants and listen to your ideas and wishes. If at all possible, we try to build upon your wishes.

Garden realisation | Garden UP
Greenery inventory | Garden UP

Greenery inventory

A green inventory is a comprehensive assessment of the condition of trees. For the needs of a family garden, we do a smaller-scale inventory of the greenery, i.e. we determine the species, condition and whether it is appropriate to keep or cut down the tree or recommend a suitable intervention. For public contracts, other parameters such as trunk girth, height, vigour and so on are commonly determined.

Realization of the garden

Based on the project documentation, we will be happy to make a turnkey garden realization for you. It is advisable to start with landscaping first. Then the following technical elements such as paving, patio, clay surface, steps or retaining walls. At this point it is the right time to plant trees and shrubs, with perennials being planted last. If the time is right (autumn), bulbs will also be planted. At the very end, everything is mulched with suitable material. We connect the other professions (electricians, stonemasons, masons, plumbers and other professions) necessary to successfully establish your beautiful garden, park, terrace or balcony.

Public space projects| Garden UP

Public spaces projects

We also cooperate with architectural studios. We can create project documentation for orchard improvements at all project stages, documentation for zoning decisions, for building permits or for building construction.


We can also take care of terraces and balconies and conjure up another pleasant place that will belong to your home as much as the living room. Thanks to a sophisticated design, the right growing system and advice on choosing interesting containers and plants, even a small space can become an attractive and pleasant place to spend your free time. Patio and balcony design is a special discipline that can elegantly stretch the living area of a home outwards. Connecting the interior with the exterior. Outside you can then not only relax, but also cook, barbecue, hold parties and play with the children.

We will ensure that the entire look of the terrace or balcony will perfectly match both the appearance of the building and the interior furnishings. We can select plants for sunny terraces as well as shady ones. We will provide you with a spatial design, including a visualisation, so that the selected plants will thrive there.

Interior greenery

We also deal with the design of interior greenery. If you want a home full of greenery designed to a professional standard, yet simple in terms of maintenance and care, contact us. We are happy to take our designs to their natural conclusion. That is, to a successful implementation where you will enjoy a green home, office or even a hotel lobby. The right choice of plants is essential. We take advantage of the natural light in the space and its architectural possibilities. We can select the right range of plants, advise on the best growing system and containers to fit the interior. We are happy to prepare a visualisation tailored to your space before the actual implementation.

Garden elements

We work with skilled carpenters and suppliers. We are happy to help you with the selection of garden furniture, wooden or corten elements including water elements and fountains.

Arboricultural work | Garden UP

Arboricultural work

Arboricultural work is usually preceded by a tree inventory, on the basis of which we recommend appropriate measures. With few exceptions, this work should be carried out in winter. If necessary, we will advise on the processing of tree felling permits.

Virtual reality

Do you want to know what your garden will look like after implementation before it is completed? We offer you the opportunity to view the entire garden using virtual reality. Just put on the headset…
